Ghassan Khalaf

From Ghassan


Dear John
Greetings in Jesus name
Nice to know you. I have visited your mother sister
Mary lee few years ago in San Diego. I am Ghassan
Khalaf a Lebanese a Baptist. I have been told about
Najib Khalaf by his sister Athena who was a member at
the same church I go to in Beirut. I have met your
grandmother May when she visited Beirut in mid
seventies, your mother too visited Lebanon at that
It happened that as Athena used to speak to me about
Najib; I was so impressed by his personality and
commitment to God and his country Lebanon. I started
to gather information about Najib from old magazines
and newspapers and lips of those who knew him. I have
collected enough material to compose his biography.
Najib was a Baptist minister and a famous lawyer. He
was a man of literature. A poet. He had written a
dictionary of the Arabic language that exceeds 30,000
pages, with an intruduction to the Arabic language
that exceeds 3,500 pages.
He also translated the New Testament with the help of
Bishop Boulos Abou Adal who was an expert in Greek.
They finished their work in 1923.
The manuscript of the translation is entrusted to the
Arab Baptist Theological Seminary. I am now the
president of ABTS and we are now processing it into
the computer in order to publish it later.
Your grandfather Najib died in 1944 and I was born in
1945. Since I am also a dictionary-concordance
compiler and New Testament translator and Baptist
pastor and a man of literature and a Khalaf and a
Lebanese, I feel because of these similarities that I
am called by God to care for publishing his books and
keep his legacy.
This is just an introduction. I am ready to answer any
questions you may have.
Greetings to sister Mary Lee
Ghassan Khalaf